Christmas and New Year
We would like to wish all our members and friends a very happy Christmas and all the best for 2019! Please note that the Jahreshauptversammlung will be held on 6th February 2019.
Christmas Markets
We attended the Backnanger Weihnachtsmarkt on 1st and 2nd December, in co-operation with the Chelmsford Town Twinning Association. It was a good and successful weekend with lots of English products sold. In addition, we were present with a large team at the Chelmsford Cathedral Christmas Market. This also was very successful. We were invited to a reception with the Mayor, Cllr. Yvonne Spence, and were also present at both the lighting of the civic candle on the evening of the 1st December and in the Cathedral for its own candle lighting on 2nd December. Thanks to all involved!
Goose Market
On the weekend of 28th October, we were able to welcome the current Mayor of Chelmsford, Cllr. Yvonne Spence, along with her husband John and her deputy, Christine Garrett, to the Backnang Goose Market. Sadly, the weather on the day meant the market wasn't particularly well attended. However, the excursion to Schloß Ludwigsburg was a success, along with various other small events over the course of the weekend. Thank you to all who made it possible.
Interkultureller Markt
We attended this at the behest of Stadt Backnang and sold beer and cider, as well as giving out plenty of giveaways. Although for us this was a pilot project, we came away emboldened for 2019 - when we hope to participate again!
Extraordinary General Meeting
We held an extraordinary general meeting on 5th September to have the 2017 accounts finally signed off by the members. This was done unanimously.
Presentation to Chelmsford City Council
On 16th July, David flew over to Chelmsford and gave a presentation to Chelmsford City Council, at the invitation of the current mayor, Cllr. Yvonne Spence. It was designed to encourage councillors to participate more in twinning and, it seems, was successful in its mission. There was a great deal of interest and lots of leads being followed up, including increased interest in supporting the Chelmsford Town Twinning Association. Watch this space!
Chelmsford Community Radio at Max-Born-Gymnasium
In early July, Hal & Michelle from Chelmsford Community Radio came to Backnang for 5 days and worked with the bilingual Grade 7 course at Max-Born-Gymnasium. The children were taught, in English, to compile and produce a broadcast. Thanks to Hal & Michelle for coming and overseeing the project and to Dorothée Ziesik at MBG for arranging everything so brilliantly! As ever, there's press coverage - here.
Verein on TV! #2
In this case, it was David who was on TV about his life in Backnang. The Verein got a big mention, so if you'd like to find out more (all in German, sadly!), then check out the link to the film: Ein Engländer, der Schwaben liebt.
Verein on TV! #1
As part of the Backnanger Straßenfest celebrations, the Verein and visitors from Chelmsford were filmed and interviewed on the Südwestrundfunk on Brexit and its implications. You can find the interview on our Flickr page - just use the icon at the top of the page!
Royal Wedding in the Wohnzimmer
In cooperation with the Wohnzimmer on Willy-Brandt-Platz, we hosted a British evening on Saturday, 19th May on the occasion of the Royal Wedding. It started at 19.30 and featured our 2. Vorsitzender, David, at the decks and playing a wealth of British music. Sadly, due to a clash of dates, the event was not hugely well attended. But nil desperandum - the Backnanger Kreiszeitung wrote an article on the subject, which can be found here.
The Jahreshauptversammlung (Annual General Meeting) of the Association took place on Wednesday, 21st March at 6.30 p.m. in the Backnanger Bürgerhaus.
Due to illness, our previous Treasurer, Sophie Pergaud, has resigned. The newly-elected Treasurer is Phil Wilburn.