About Us


Chelmsford and Backnang were officially twinned in 1990. Since that time, many groups and associations have met and profited from the partnership between the two towns. Members of the CTTA (Chelmsford Town Twinning Association) are involved in the Strassenfest and the Christmas Market. Groups and societies of different interest groups, such as footballers and singers, visit each other regularly.
The town authorities in Backnang suggested that interested citizens and societies should be able to contact an organisation similar to the CTTA. This was the reason that the Komitee der Backnanger-Partnerschafts-Arbeitskreis für Chelmsford was founded in 2005.

The Partnerschaftsverein Backnang-Chelmsford e.V. was founded in 2007, taking over the previous tasks of the committee, by the members of the former twinning committee.
The purpose of the society is to bring the partnership with Chelmsford commenced in 1990 closer to the citizens of Backnang and to awaken wide-scale in Chelmsford and its surrounding area. The existing friendships between the two communities should be further strengthened. We wish to do this by supporting contacts between private individuals, schools and societies. We see the organisation of and participation in events, the organisation of visits to the twin town and arrangement of contacts in Chelmsford as our task. Close cooperation with the Chelmsford Town Twinning Association will hopefully contribute to the success of our work. To achieve our stated goals, we are always looking for interested helpers.

Are you ready? Do you want to bring your ideas to the Partnerschaftsverein? Then please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!

You can find our constitution (in German) here.