News 2019

Happy Christmas!!!

A very happy Christmas to both members and non-members, both in Chelmsford and Backnang and also to our friends in Annonay and Bacsalmas!


Chelmsford Cathedral Christmas Market

We took part in the Chelmsford Cathedral Christmas Market on 7th December. Another great success and the continuation of the radio project of the Max-Born-Gymnasium. indeed, our stand was manned by the students from the project. Find out more here (in German): Article on Chelmsford Market


Backnang Advent Market

We took part with the CTTA at the Backnang Advent Market on Saturday, 30th November and Sunday, 1st December. It was a great event and we even won (together with the Annonay and Bacsalmas stands) the prize for the best stand!


Goose Market

We had a stand at this year's Goose Market on 27th October. Thanks to all who visited us!


Tulpenfrühling (Tulip Spring)

We had a stand at this event on Sunday, 7th April in Backnang. Thanks go to Phil Wilburn for the presentation of his vintage car, which drew in lots of visitors. David Whitehead was also dressed in period costume, which also got a lot of attention. The new stand concept, open on four sides was widely praised and we had a lot of good discussions. Equally popular was the Radio Wave Beer from Chelmsford Brewing Company - thanks to Chelmsford City Council for sponsoring our beer. You can find some photos of the event on our Flickr page.


Responsible Officers

In accordance with the changes made to the Constitution, we have now implemented changes to the structure of the Verein, with officers being appointed to cover different areas of the Verein's work. These officers and responsibilities will be given an additional part of the website in the very near future....



On 31st December 2018, an English-language Bible was presented to the Stiftskirche, Backnang, on behalf of Chelmsford Cathedral. 17th March saw the gifting of a further bible, this time to the St.-Johannes-Kirche. Huge thanks to Chelmsford Cathedral for these two gifts.


New Executive Committee

Subsequent to the Jahreshauptversammlung on 6th February 2019, we now have a new executive committee - David Whitehead & Dorothée Ziesik in the chair, with Phil Wilburn and Wolfgang Hockauf remaining as Treasurer and Secretary, respectively.


And now we're on LinkedIn too!


Follow us on Instagram!

We're now on Instagram too at:!


Happy New Year

We would like to wish all our members and friends a very Happy New Year!

Please note that the Jahreshauptversammlung will be held on 6th February 2019.

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